The baby woke up especially early this morning and was being a little loud. Instead of taking the chance of waking up every one else, we went down to the basement. This is what I found . . .
I thought this was the perfect motivation and opportunity to start back with Tackle It Tuesday. I have big plans for this room, but for now a good picking up is in order. The baby cooperatively played on the floor while I put things away.
I didn't have time to hang pictures, and there's still some organizing and purging to do, but it's a good start. Now I know I should check in on this room a little more often. Have a great Tuesday.
Nice job! Love that room!
Looks great! I need to tackle mine! lol
I remember those days of a forever messy playroom.. no matter how many times you clean it in a day! Mine are old enough for me to just yell at them about it!! LOL
nice! I'd love to spend time in there! Maybe hanging some mirros would make it look "lived " in!
What a great tackle!! What an inviting space. Invite everyone but the mess:-)
Great tackle! I have a basement playroom too and it starts looking like a war zone before I usually get around to rallying the troops and cleaning it up.
awesome job! so jealous, playroom = living room in our house! must "tackle" something!
Great job!
I adore your website! So cute!
It's still very soothing to see it all cleaned up. I have spent my morning in the basement too...but I've been unpacking boxes from our move (almost two years ago...) and wishing for the day that my basement is finished and I can put all the toys down there!
Thank you for visiting my blog and stopping by to say hi! You did a wonderful job on your playroom!
KINDA LAZY????'s Holly Jean..."Miss Alana? Can I come over and trash that room once more for you? You know, kinda give it that "a two year old that doesn't live here spent a half hour in this room" kind of look? Let me know! Also, when I come, is it BYOP?? That's Bring Your Own Pull-Up.
What a great playroom, and it really didn't look so bad from those camera angles.
I can't wait to see it when you hang some pictures.
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