Monday, February 9, 2009

House Rules

I recently saw these House Rules over at Kiddio. She has a great little series on discipline.

So I copied them. Word for word. Why reinvent the wheel, right?

I would really like to add one more. I like odd numbers, and I have that little bit of space left at the bottom.

So let's hear it . . . what are some of your standing House Rules?


  1. if YOU make a mess YOU get to clean it up. {it doesn't work but it sounds good}

  2. Whoever wakes up the baby has to nurse him back to sleep. (If you are not equipped to do so, I suggest you not wake the baby!)

  3. Those are some good house rules. Rules change for us depending on the age. Everyone has to put away what they're playing with, before they move onto something else (this doesnt always work, but I try hard to get them to clean up and only get one big thing out at a time). Now, our upstairs playroom; everything's just out!

  4. I too loved those rules. I'm also all about cleaning up after yourself. I'm excited for the day when they will ALL be able to do this! And Aunt LoLo has an awesome rule I think I'll incorporate!! Hilarious. In our house it is usually more like "whoever wakes the baby will feel the wrath of mom"

  5. We totally must incorporate the fit throwing one. Great ideas!

  6. Thanks Alana, I love the rules and may copy this idea!

    My fifth rule would be, Lend a helping hand.

    Its fun to follow what your up to since you left the neighborhood. The boys talk about Davis all the time and I love showing photos of your kids as you post them.

    Best wishes,

  7. we have one real rule: be kind.

    (of course, my house is always a mess) : )

  8. Everyone gets a turn & everyone helps with clean up

  9. Everyone gets a turn - everyone helps clean up!
