Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Feathers Aren't Ruffled . . .

. . . but her pant legs are!

These might be the only pair of pants I ever sew. I worked from a pattern - a pattern obviously written for someone who has a little more sewing knowledge than I do. I was able to get the two legs done with little problem. When it came to actually sewing the legs together to make them look like pants, I was totally lost and was able to take them to my sewing class for some guidance.

Making and sewing the ruffle on was by far the easiest part! Now that I know how to do this - everything might get a little ruffle!. Honey, I promise to refrain from putting ruffles on the boys' pants.


  1. Hi, I just the ruffled pants I have a Granddaughter who is 19 months they would be perfect. (I only had boys) Love your newsletters. Joan Ottawa Ontario, Canada

  2. I'm TERRIFIED of pants...and sleeves *shudder*

    Those look great!

  3. I WANT those pants!! I am probably too big for them but my dd would love them!!! Cute fabric and they look professional! Great job!

  4. Those are precious! I think maybe I need a sewing machine. You inspire me!!

  5. What kind of pattern is it? I have a two year old granddaughter who would look adorable in those.

  6. so adorable- and thank you for visitng me!

  7. Those are absolutely adorable! Do you make them in adult sizes :)? (half kidding).

    I have given you an award over at my blog!
