Wednesday, October 22, 2008

WFMW: Fabric Magnets

One day I might have an original idea, but it's not going to be today . . .

I recently made a magnetic chalkboard (pictures to come soon) and wanted to make some crafty magnets. Google always comes through. I found some great ideas and tutorials out there.

Using some fabric scraps, button covers and magnets I created a set of magnets to adorn our new DIY magnetic chalkboard.

These bloggers were the inspiration and have great ideas and tutorials:

How About Orange
Lolly Chops

These magnets "Work For Me". Check out other great ideas over at Rocks in My Dryer.


  1. Those turned out so cute. I have never heard of button covers, now I might have to go to Michael's to check them out. :)

  2. very cute!
    your link from Shannon's blog is not working. I had to do some creative deleting to find your blog. it looked like 4 or 5 html codes lined up in a row.

    Mrs N

  3. I really like these a lot! ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing!

  4. These are so cute! I've seen them with pictures underneath, but never all done up like this. So cute...and SO easily re-done for the holidays and seasons!

    YOU'RE the genius. ;-) Thanks for stopping by Bubba Bubbles today!

  5. Those are so cute! I'll have to try that. Tons of fabric scraps around here.

  6. Those are adorable! I like your choice of fabrics! Thanks for your comment on my blog, btw!

  7. I made some of these at MOPS once, such a fun, cute, easy idea!
