Friday, October 24, 2008

Gratefully Green

My husband has always had a huge influence on me. He's smart. He knows a lot of stuff I don't. I'm grateful to have him as a husband and our children are blessed to learn from him on a daily basis.

He started me on my journey to living greener. I was stubborn and hard-headed. I didn't want to change the way I did things. I didn't want to be bothered and couldn't see much point in my individual effort. I know better now. Thankfully he didn't give up on me (he's more stubborn and hard-headed than I am).

I see how my actions are noticed by friends and family. Even if they don't follow my lead, they notice.
The most important thing I've learned from him is we all have the ability to make choices. And our choices, whether good or bad, have an affect on others and our environment.

There are a lot of great eco-friendly things out there that make living green easier, but I think the thing I'm most grateful for is my husband's ability to open my mind. He's helped me realize I can choose to live differently.
We don't always get it right, but we're learning.

This post is my submission for The Green Mom's Carnival hosted in November by Best of Mother Earth.


  1. Alana,

    I remember climbing into the lap of my grandfather and thinking that his strength and wisdom would become part of me it felt so good! I just love the picture of your husband and your kids! I too feel most grateful for choice. I am glad that your husband fosters that in you!

    Blog: Best of Mother Earth

  2. I agree. Living greener is daunting to do, but so easy. I used to be so turned off by those people who brought their own bags to the grocery store. It seemed like an act somehow. But now here I am, lugging my canvas bags in there every week. It's so easy! And I feel better about not consuming so many plastic or even paper bags, AND they carry more food which means less trips to get the groceries in the house! Point being, it's easy and no big deal once you get used to the changes! :)

  3. I love that picture! Glad your husband is more stubborn than you are and got you converted.


  4. what a delight to read that your husband inspires you..... something we don't read much these days....we are all so ungrateful to the little stuff that our spouses do for us that we hardly ever appreciate them. Imagine a week without them and we realize how much they do in their own little way........
    keep up the good work of reducing, reusing and recycling.....

  5. Maybe he should be Bob GREEN instead of Bob Gray! I hear you...and Alana, you definitely inspire me to leave a little less of a footprint each day. Love the Blog, the Green Grays, and YOU!!! Have a WONDERFUL SUNDAY!

  6. Great post Alana! So glad to hear your hubby got you going on the path to green!

  7. What a beautiful tribute about your husband as well as your open-mindedness to change. Good for you. Your kids are so cute.


  8. Aw...what a sweet guy. Your DH sounds like someone I would like! Love the pix...I can't believe how big your baby has grown! :)

  9. Cute post. All we can do is lead by example and don't forget to cut ourselves some slack once in awhile too.

  10. It is so refreshing to hear of a spouse that supports! Mine is like this too, and I hear horror stories of spouses who act otherwise. It certainly helps to make you grateful for the amazing partners who challenge you and help make you a better person! Great post!

  11. That's a great story - my DH inspires me in countless ways too. I am so grateful to have a smart partner who helps me learn and makes me feel like part of a team. Also grateful to catch glimpses into lives like yours so that I can learn from what's working for you! Thanks for sharing and the pic of your ever-growing baby Kale!

  12. With all our focus on women, it's great to be reminded that so many men are good and green, too!

  13. I loved your statement of gratitude! My husband is open-minded and encouraging of all things green, even though we have just these 6 months come down off our sugar-high(and meat, aspartame,transfat, etc.) of the past few years. It's amazing the difference in the quality of our lives.
