Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WFMW: My Favorite WFMW's

I'm not thinking clearly today. I can't come up with anything that works for me, so I decided to look for inspiration elsewhere. I came across some great tips and ideas to tuck away.

I would like to extend my list, so I can use it for my Thursday Thirteen tomorrow. I would love to know of previous Works for Me Wednesdays that have worked well for you.

  • Michelle at Scribbit has a great solution for playing indoors. I wish I would've discovered this post a few months ago!
  • Robin from Around the Island hosted a toy swap for her child's playgroup.


  1. Great links! Thanks, I haven't been to several of them.

  2. Good links!

    Some of my fave tips are ones that I put to good use RIGHT away!

    Here's one that helped me get crafty right before I had twins a year ago:

    Another was a from "Our Adoption Journey" blog on puzzle storage. It's another idea that I acutally already used, but loved and recommended to my blog readers.

    so there are just a few of my favorite tips. I put a bunch of others in my google notebook, but have yet to give them a go.

  3. Great links!

    I am TOTALLY stalking you right now. You know if we don't hear from you every day, we're all going to be pretty sure you are in labor, right??!! Sending so many prayers for all things wonderful your way.

  4. I started getting comments on that post and had to retrace where the people were coming from :)

    Thanks so much--masking tape has been a popular winter idea around here.

  5. fun links - thanks!
