Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday #10 - Crunch Time

We have a lot going on around here. My mom is here . . . . yeah . . . . which means "tackles" take on a whole new meaning! She is a genius at creating space where there was none before. Since I can barely walk up the stairs (I'm about 4 cm dilated), she is taking over the tackling today. Here's our her "To Do List":

1. Clean out and organize 2 closets.
2. Wash, fold and put away little itty-bitty baby clothes.
3. Create a space for the baby in our bedroom (he will be bunking with us for awhile)
4. Most importantly - love on my children!

I will be planning birthday dinner for little Miss Meg who will be 2 on Thursday!

Our grass is growing!

Click here for previous tackles.


  1. Very pretty picture of the kids and the grass.

  2. I love it when my mom visits! Good luck to both of you with your tackles and you need to take it easy!

  3. What is it with our moms. I swear she could come here and get everything organized in minutes where I can't keep everything organized for a second.

    If you have time, you've been tagged.

  4. 4 cm! Oh, I had that weird pain when I read that. Climb those stairs, girl! You'll be tackling something else sorta big today!

  5. Four cm? Wow you're ready! My hair stylist is too - she's due Friday, she cut my hair Saturday and looked ready to pop! So I can imagine your discomfort.

    Love the pic of the kids and grass. You have a whole new project just waiting to burst out I'm sure. LOL


  6. Rest and enjoy your kids- sounds like you'll be adding a bigger tackle to this list soon! :)

  7. How smart you are to have your mom arrive *before* the baby. I hope that your labour and delivery are safe and quick. I stopped by because you were nice enough to comment on last Wednesday's WFM post - thanks. I love the Easter grass. I think I might try planting some catnip with my daughter this spring and then follow your grass idea next year.

  8. Well I sure hope you have your feet up! Goodness gracious- I can't believe you even took the time to write a post today.

  9. Having that baby is a Tackle it Tuesday must for you...

    God Bless,

  10. Hee hee. Hoo hoo. Oh sorry, that was the Mom/baby nurse in me coming out.

    Stop by for a visit sometime.
    Confessions of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com

  11. Isn't it great to have your mom around? When my mom is here, the refrigerator gets cleaned out, my floors are clean, etc. Hope you have a safe labor and delivery!

  12. Aww thats great that your Mom is there helping you.

    Your grass looks great also.

    Oh and congratulations!

  13. Awww love the pic of the kids, my doesn't grass grow quickly. Seems like a goodluck might be in order, not long now before your next major tackle. :)

  14. Sounds like a good tackle, especially with your mom there to help. I hope you have a quick and easy labor and delivery. Congrats ahead of time for you new baby!

  15. Alana---Easter must have a special meaning for your family, and how wonderful it is that the new baby is due anytime. To everything there is a season. Our very best wishes to you all, and say hello to Michelle!

  16. Hi there! My mom is visiting too and it is just the best! Good luck with all of your projects. I wish I could accomplish so much! We also have grass in our house! Little MIss Techie has been growing grass at school and we got to bring it home today after her spring festival. And wow! 4 cm!!!! Can't wait to see pics of the new baby!

  17. Oh my goodness! I am excited that you will be having your baby soon. Congratulations and have fun having your mom around.
