Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello, Anyone Out There?

Bob just pointed out that I haven't posted in a long time. I've been wanting to, but just haven't had too much to say. So here's a brief update of sorts.

Our summer was fast & furious. We got in some great family & beach time! Bob and I even had an opportunity to celebrate our 10 year anniversary . . . . alone . . . for two nights thanks to Doll Doll and Grandma!

I've raised $1800 for my 3 day walk in October - only $500 left to go! If you'd like to donate, you can click here. If you've already donated - THANK YOU! Our team of seven has raised over $22,000 to help fight breast cancer!

Davis starts afternoon preschool today - we're hoping for a smooth detox from the Wii and legos. This will be my first experience with a carpool line, so that's exciting! Meg will do preschool and couple of afternoons, ballet and art class. Kale will continue to require 100% supervision and melt my heart on a daily basis.

I'm working on a few projects I'll post about soon involving fabric and wallpaper removal . . . the last of the wallpaper in this house!!!

Take care. I hope to be back soon.


  1. I'm here also! Sounds like you've been too busy to blog. I am so excited that school has started so I can take on a few projects also.

  2. YAY! Glad to see you! Sounds like a great summer and I am excited about one day in carpool line when the child exits from the car without me dragging subsequent children, buckeling/ unbuckeling, etc to get there! ha!

  3. Wonderful to hear from you, mama. Sounds like a full and wonderful summer. May your transition to fall be smooth and peaceful. Can't wait to see what you have going on!
