Thursday, September 10, 2009

A Simple Chair Update

I'm slowly getting some projects done around the house. Here's the before picture.

I've had the fabric for months.

It's was just a matter of locating the staples and the staple gun at the same time.

In the amount of time it took for Max to prove to Ruby, once again, that he knew what he was doing . . . I was finished with all six chairs!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hello, Anyone Out There?

Bob just pointed out that I haven't posted in a long time. I've been wanting to, but just haven't had too much to say. So here's a brief update of sorts.

Our summer was fast & furious. We got in some great family & beach time! Bob and I even had an opportunity to celebrate our 10 year anniversary . . . . alone . . . for two nights thanks to Doll Doll and Grandma!

I've raised $1800 for my 3 day walk in October - only $500 left to go! If you'd like to donate, you can click here. If you've already donated - THANK YOU! Our team of seven has raised over $22,000 to help fight breast cancer!

Davis starts afternoon preschool today - we're hoping for a smooth detox from the Wii and legos. This will be my first experience with a carpool line, so that's exciting! Meg will do preschool and couple of afternoons, ballet and art class. Kale will continue to require 100% supervision and melt my heart on a daily basis.

I'm working on a few projects I'll post about soon involving fabric and wallpaper removal . . . the last of the wallpaper in this house!!!

Take care. I hope to be back soon.