Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Baby Boy

Happy Birthday!

You are 1 year old today.

Your tender soul warms my heart.

You are so familiar.

When I look at you, you remind me of everything good in my life . . . .

your daddy, your brother and your sisters.

I'm so thankful for you and look forward to watching you grow over this next year.


  1. oh, I haven't seen a picture of baby Kale in a LONG TIME! He is SO HANDSOME!!! Happy, happy birthday, Little Man.

  2. Has it already been a year?! My goodness! Happy Birthday Kale!

  3. Those eyes, those eyes.

  4. Oh my goodness! How did that year fly by so quickly? Congratulations and happy birthday to Kale!

  5. Happy Birthday sweet boy!

    My son's first is this Friday, so we both have March babies. Hope you all enjoyed his day.

  6. wonderful photo! Happy Birthday to Kale!

  7. Happy Birthday Kale - what a cutie! Say hi to your mom. Next time I come to see my mom, I will need to stop by and squeeze all those cute children!
