Monday, January 19, 2009

A Little Apron Dress

LinkI started this little apron dress at my sewing class last week and was able to finish it up over the weekend. I found the pattern from a great little Etsy shop, Leila and Ben. Meg loves it, and I was finally able to pry it off of her at bedtime.

Her big brother is patiently waiting for me to make him one - not this girly, of course.


  1. too dadgum cute! maybe i need to take a sewing class so i can finally figure out what my sewing machine will do (other than sew on patches lol) high 5s for you!

  2. Maybe Davis could have a cape...or a super hero "dress"!

  3. So cute! I'd love to see how you turn that cute girly apron dress into something boyish!!

  4. So cute! I am so impressed that you made it! :)

  5. Too cute..and you are just the person to ask...I"ve been wondering all day about putting patches on my first grade son's pants. Any suggestions? You are so creative!
