Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Identity Crisis

My blog is having an identity crisis.

The blogging powers that be say you should find a topic/theme and stick with it . . . . consistently. Well, I can't stick to one thing. Obviously, I've picked up some sort of crafting/decorating bug. I think moving into a new home and discovering a whole other blogging community are responsible.

I do still care about our environment and want to save as many trees as I possibly can. If you're missing the green commentary, check out all of the wonderful green writers over in my left sidebar.

I'm going to keep crafting for a little while so I hope you don't mind my little ADD blog. Knowing myself the way I do, I'll probably be onto something else in a few months.

I have just passed my 200th post. I think it's appropriate to open up the floor to you and
answer any questions you may want to know about me. You can either leave them in the comments section or use the email link above.

Now I feel totally exposed and vulnerable. I'm also exhausted because it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I have a very wide awake little boy on my lap!


  1. I really hear you on this post. My blog is a little bit of everything, too. But it's all important stuff to me, and the thought of doing a couple of blogs is just way too exhausting. :)

  2. I'm always off subject on my blog also. I actually get bored with blogs that don't add variety to their subjects. And I'm reading even though I'm not commenting much.

  3. Oh, girl! Who cares about the bloggy powers that be?! I love to come here because it is so eclectic and a lovely look into YOUR life. I have appreciated the crafting posts and always love to hear what is going on with your sweet children.

    So sorry to hear you were up in the wee hours. I can completely empathize!!

  4. I love your site the way it is! I love your green posts along with your decorating tips because you truly inspire me! I'm with Megan@SortaCrunchy...Who cares about theme! Blog what you love!

  5. Ditto to all of the above. We love just "hanging out" with normal people! You don't have to be themed. AND, I think I might give decopaging a shot because of your inspirations!! :-)

  6. I love the mix. It keeps me coming back :)

  7. Personally I love a blog that has variety. Mine is the same way. Are you wanting questions now or later?

  8. I love your blog. And your craft bug is inspiring. I hope it's contagious.

  9. I can't stick to one subject either, and lately, I can barely write on a subject, since I too have a little boy that wants to be up at 4am.

    I love reading about your crafty and decorating things, especially with a new house, it's nice to see how you put your mark on a fresh space. Alana, I'd read anything you wrote!

  10. Hi, Came over from Rocks in my Dryer.
    Oh DEAR, I did not realize we were supposed to stick with 1 theme! I like your blog just the way it is, I feel right at home.

  11. Well, if we're supposed to stick to one theme, my blog will be a miserable failure! I like yours just the way it is! =)
