Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thrifty Birthday Decorations

Davis will be 4 on Saturday. To celebrate we are having a brunch with friends and family. I want to decorate, but I'm not too interested in spending money on a bunch of plastic junk.

I decided to collect a few of my favorite photos of Davis. I found a few binder clips and other clips I've had for years and created a little photo display.

A perfect way to celebrate and honor our birthday boy. It lets everyone see how much he's grown and gives us an opportunity to share special memories.

If you want to get real fancy with your binder clips, How About Orange shows you how to cover them with fabric.
Check out other great thrifty ideas at Green Baby Guide.


  1. Oooh, I wish I had such fancy binder clips! That's a great way to decorate for a party--much better than store-bought streamers and banners, and more fun for the birthday kid and all the guests, too.

    Thanks for joining us for Thrifty Green Thursday!

  2. Part of the joy of going the thrifty green route is that the result is often so much more personal than anything you could pick up in a store. It does take a bit more time, but your photos prove it's worth it! We're glad you contributed this Thrifty Green Thursday!

  3. How cute! I love both your pictures and the idea of the binder clips!

  4. That's adorable! I love those binder clips - they'd make a great gift paired with some other crafty home office stuff.

  5. What an adorable way to make bday decorations! I love those binder clips. So cute!

  6. I love your blog design! Wow. I wish I was as artsy as you. And that big binder clip with the floral prints... do you sell those? I'd pay for them!

