Monday, September 1, 2008

Not Your Mother's Dust Ruffle

I am not a crafty girl.

I am not a girly girl, but my 2 year old is.

After reading posts from inspiring bloggers like Kimba and The Nester, I attempted to do something crafty for my little girl. I made a dust ruffle out of tutus, ribbons and butterflies!

Here's Meg's bed before (please ignore the peach walls, we haven't had a chance to paint yet):

I used 4 tutus I found awhile back for $1 a piece, a few little paper butterflies from Michaels, some pink ribbon and a LOT of hot glue.

Here's the finished product. I think she's pleased. It was a lot of fun, but I'm afraid I started something . . . Davis now wants a "robot skirt"!


  1. You say you're not crafty, but it really turned out great :) Works well with the bedding, and I'm sure once you paint the peach walls (with zero-VOC paint, of course :) ), your princess will be in girly girly heaven!

  2. that is really cute!! I may have to steal that idea for my 2 year old someday. I love it!

  3. Girl, I can not believe you just moved in...that's too cute...and Meg is too!

  4. That's adorable! Maybe your turning into a crafty lady after all. Those glue guns are miracle workers!

  5. That turned out really well. I am now trying to envision a "robot skirt." Maybe you could find something at the hardware store that would work . . . like metal tubing or metal sheets of something (I have no idea what I'm talking about!). It would be cool. You could even add a "control panel" with buttons/knobs/switches.

    You should join us for Thrifty Green Thursday over at the Green Baby Guide--this tip would be perfect for it!

  6. Oh.My.Word. That is SO STINKING CUTE!! Great job!

  7. Came here through Kimba's blog. That is so adorable! Makes me wish I had a little girly girl. I think my ovaries quivered when I saw all the pink!

  8. OMG! I have a daughter (after 2 boys!) and I MUST save this to do for her, once she is out of the crib. LOVE IT! brilliant and beautiful. Over the top girly. I love it!!

  9. I clicked over from A Soft Place to Land (via The Nester)...that is TOO too cute. Or should I say tutu...ha!

    I have two little girls and I've actually been meaning to buy a dust ruffle for my youngest daughter's bed but I think this is so much cuter than anything you could buy in a store!

    Did you hot glue it directly to the bed frame? OK that makes me a tad nervous. ;)

  10. Love it, love it, love it! I surfed over from Kimba's blog and am so glad I did! I have a little one but when she is ready for a big girl bed~ I'm stealing your idea girl! Happy weekend to you~ Les
