Monday, May 19, 2008

Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

I’ve often said my heart lives in a place where joy and sorrow meet. It’s a small little place in my soul where all my blessings and heartaches come to mingle. It is bittersweet. It is my life.

I take comfort in this place. It reminds me of all I have and all I’ve lost. My joys and sorrows know each other well. They’ve spent years learning to coexist.

I am thankful for this place. I am thankful for a loving God who provides me with the strength and peace to take up residence in this place.

I am blessed.


  1. That's beautiful.

    I hope everything is okay.

    Sending good thoughts!

  2. I love how you wrote that and the meaning behind it all. I pop into your blog now and then and have read some of your story. It's amazing to see how God uses you in your every day life. It takes special people to meet such adversities in life and still see all the blessings in it too that God has provided.

    Hope it's a blessed day for you today.

  3. Alana, a friend of mine uses the following Scripture as a sort of mission statement for her blog. You might like it, too: Romans 12:1-2,from The Message "So here is what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life--and place it before God as an offering."

    Prayers and good wishes from here!
