I'm a nursing mom whose hormones are running amuck. I'm not a sweet delicate flower. I don't perspire - I sweat! I've tried, but I'm not too fond of my "natural" body's scent. Who am I kidding - it's odor - plain and simple body odor!
Because of the potential dangers of aluminum found in traditional deodorant, I've been trying to use natural deodorants. They don't work for me! I've tried several different brands, but haven't had any luck conquering the odor and wetness.
Going Crunchy wrote about using a Deodorant Stone, which is a potential solution. With warm days heading our way, I'm willing to try anything.
What works for you?
I've had the same problem (although I'm not a nursing mom). I have found that the deodorant stone works well. It's like a clear rock and lasts forever. One thing that makes it work best is if you don't use soap under your arms to wash. I know it sounds gross, but if you use a body brush and scrub them only with water, and then use the deodorant stone after your shower, you won't stink. At least, this is what works for me. :) There's some sort of interaction with the minerals and soap residue that makes the deodorant not as effective.
ReplyDeleteI have also heard that rubbing alcohol works, just maybe not right after you shave!
ReplyDeleteI live in sweaty/humid Florida & I've been using deodorants (non anti-perspirant) for a few years now & found that I need to switch every 3-6 months, or so. I will go from Tom's to the stone to Adidas to the salt spray & back again. My favorite so far is Tom's & the stone, but again, make sure you switch often. These are in no way something to stop the sweat, but do great to keep the odor at bay.
ReplyDeleteoh my gosh, this post made me laugh so hard! I am all about going natural and being healthy - for goodness sake, I'm a vegetarian and buy mostly organic food. However, I do not like that "natural" deoderant. It just doesn't work and by not using it, you are doing everyone a favor, I'm sure...hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could encourage you...but I gave up those natural deodorants and went back to the ones that are bad. I now, I know...but I lived in FL and the natural ones do not keep you from sweating (perspiring...or I like to say 'misting') so I was still a sticky wet mess and that was uncomfortable.
ReplyDeleteMy hubby loves them though. He prefers the roll-on, but is going to try the stone next.
Hey Grey,
ReplyDeleteLife Less Plastic also has posted on her baking soda experiments that seem to work well with her.
I think if you are a heavy "seater" then you may need to toss on a little natural powder or whatnot.
I do sweat, but only when I'm running hard at the gym where I'm really supposed to be.
Let me know if you try something else! I'm curious!
I recommend trying the stone out.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest daughter, 13, has been soooo stinky of late. Her PE shirts have to be washed at least twice to get the stink out.
But we found one of those deodorant stones at a bath shop downtown, and she gave it a try.
Works great. And so if it works on her, certainly it will works on you!
Not to mention it is much cheaper than the other options. And, in Thailand, nearly every deodorant not only has aluminum in it, but also a whitening agent. Apparently there is a big problem with too dark armpits here. Go figure.
You and me both, girl! It's too hot and sticky here for me to fully commit to the natural ones. Let me know what you think of the stone!
ReplyDeleteI've been using baking soda. Your post just reminded me to post about it. It works great!
ReplyDeleteSo, I've just stopped by for the first time and this is my first introduction. It's the pits... oh sorry.
ReplyDeleteI don't even remember why I stopped using the stone. Probably when I started shaving under my arms. I swear the thing would have still been around.
I'd like another but don't even know where to find it.
I'm sorry it hasn't worked for you. I use Tom's of Maine and have been happy with it so far.
ReplyDeleteI know it sounds bizarre, but I have heard from several people that the Thieves toothpaste from Young Living works great as a deoderant. worth a shot!
Thanks for stopping by, too. : )
If I am wearing a t shirt or something un-fancy and not dark, I just use cornstarch under my arms. This works better in the winter, because it can be messy. But it does work.
ReplyDeleteSounds crazy, but try a spoonful of honey everyday! (in your mouth, not your armpit) lol :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on this...you know, I've been thinking about you lately ...you are amazing...You are dealing with this little baby, you are dealing with health issues, you are cleaning your house like a banshee and trying to sell it, and you are keeping up with your blog. Oh, and you have other kids too, right?! Just joking. Plus a husband, right?
ReplyDeleteGosh...pat yourself on the back!
I just bought some natural deodorant and it is worse than nothing at all! But I saw a post on the Gorgeously Green blog about two deodorants that I've been thinking of buying. Here is the link if you're interested:
I'm using homemade deodorant from years & it works nice.
ReplyDeleteClothing! Check your tags and track which fibers make you sweat the most and then get rid of them. You may be surprised at what you will find. When I wore shirts with a high polyester content no amount of deodorant worked.