Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's Earth Day and I've Got Nothing

I wanted to write a clever post for Earth Day. A post to make you think I've got my act together. I wanted to impart great "green" wisdom that would influence you to make some changes, but I'm fried and I've got nothing!

I'm leaning on some of my inspirational "green" bloggy reads to provide you with a wonderful Eath Day experience. Because quite frankly, at this moment, they've got their acts together and are doing a great job.

  • As usual, Crunchy Chicken is challenging us and questioning the recent flock to jump on the environmental bandwagon.


  1. Thanks for the shout out and the links! Looking fwd to reading up (and you are *always* on top of things, baby mama!). Happy Earth Day!

  2. thanks for the links! I too wrote a different kind of green post!

  3. Happy Earth Day! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog through the bloggy giveaway. Being green is so near and dear to me. I look forward to reading the links you shared! I'll be back to visit soon!

  4. Hey, you don't have nothing....you have a new baby and you're still doing the bloggy thing. I loved your round-up and thanks for the link!

  5. Ooohhhh....good link list!!!!

    (to the tune of Jingle Bells)

    Oh what fun it is to ride
    Your greenie linking list! Hey!

    Um....I spend earth day getting chest x-rays for one of my little chickadees. Not quite what I had in mind..... Shannon
