Wednesday, February 13, 2008

WFMW: My iGoogle Homepage

Do you crave organization - a fun way to check on all your favorite blogs, figure out if you need to bundle up before you go outside, think deeply with the quote of the day, or laugh out loud with jokes and cartoons? If so, you should check out iGoogle, it offers all of these features and more. (Editor's note: I am in no way affiliated with Google, just a little bit of a dork who sometimes likes gadgety things.)

I love my iGoogle Homepage. iGoogle simply means interactive google. It's a customizable homepage giving you the capability and flexibility to add great features. It's a wonderful way to stay organized and updated.

It's quick and easy to set up an iGoogle Homepage. Just select a theme to decorate your homepage and drag and drop individual sections to rearrange the page however you'd like.

Some of the features include gadgets, tabbed pages, and themes.

Gadgets allow you to display specific content on your homepage. You also have the ability to create your own gadgets including:
  • Framed Photo- display a series of photos to share
  • GoogleGram - create special daily messages
  • Daily Me – share a little of your daily thoughts and feelings
  • Free Form- input text and an image of your own choosing
  • YouTube Channel- display videos from your own YouTube channel
  • Personal List - create a list of items from a To-Do List to your very own Top 10 List
  • Countdown – share a countdown timer for a special event
You can create an unlimited number of tabs. Tabs allow you to organize your gadgets only showing you certain gadgets at any time.

There are tons of themes to choose from, some even animated. The themes can change throughout the day as the time passes – for you very tech savvy folks – you can now design your own theme.

iGoogle is free to anyone. If you are already using any of Google’s services that require a sign-in you can create an account with that information.

Be sure to check out other helpful tips at Works for Me Wednesday.


  1. This sounds so interesting--but do you suppose or ever worry it's a ploy on Google's part to gather lots of data on us?

    Not that they aren't always gathering info when we search anyway...

    I like the idea of personalizing. I'm over there all the time anyway.

  2. Ann - Good point. I am so naive I hadn't even thought of that possibility. I think they'd be pretty bored with my data - pretty basic stuff - but I will definitely be thinking the next time I add something. Thank you.

  3. I am going to check it out! Thanks for the tip!

  4. Very cool. Was not aware of that. I'm a fan of bloglines and I have some widgets on the desktop of my Mac, but I am intrigued with this iGoogle page. Thanks for the tip!

  5. I really love my iGoogle homepage too. I like that I can decide what to have on there. And, I always know the phase of the moon now. LOL
